Interest in intermittent fasting is hot. While there is a high demand for dieting among women, it may be because the murderous, extreme methods of the one-day diet they usually choose are not easy to implement, and the side effects of exceeding the diet effect are often experienced. In fact, intermittent fasting has the advantage of being relatively easy to transfer to execution, although there ..
Drinking water alone will make you gain weight." I wonder if you'll really gain weight from drinking water, but the resentment of the so-called "fattening constitution," which is an excuse for touching your thick belly and chin, is always a comfort for many overweight and obese people. It's a blindfolded excuse to ease the guilt of lack of exercise or diet failure, but when I see friends and cel..
Rotary muscle tendon disease is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain in older adults, including middle age.With the recent increase in the elderly population, the frequency of occurrence has increased, and the diagnosis rate has increased due to the development of imaging technologies such as ultrasound and MRI. 1. Parts and causes of the outbreak There are four muscles that pass betwe..
Shoulder joint structure The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the human body, consisting of three bones: the humerus, scapula, and clavicle. Each bone meets to form a joint, which is the main joint of the joint and the upper joint and the scapular joint. This joint is commonly called the shoulder joint because most joint movements occur in the joints and the upper-arm joints. The carti..
Definition An arterial vessel that comes out of the area where the aorta begins, surrounds the heart, and supplies blood to the heart. Location The coronary artery surrounds the heart from the base of the aorta. Structure The diameter is about the thickness between the mid- to small arteries, and it is divided into left and right biceps at the base of the aorta and surrounds the entire heart, an..
Definition It is the area where several different muscles intersect between the torso and the arms, and under the shoulders. In the armpit skin, there is a sweat glands called apocrine glands, and the smell of secretions from this is called liquid, and the hair that grows under the armpit is called liquid wool. Location It's a concave part located between the torso and the arms and under the sho..
Rib Definition It refers to a long curved bone that connects the thoracic vertebrae and the abdominal bone to form a chest cavity (chest cavity) surrounding the entire chest. The ribs protect the internal chest organs such as the lungs and heart and help breathe through the expansion and contraction of the chest. Location The thoracic vertebrae are connected to the thoracic vertebrae, surroundin..
CURRENT PRINCIPLES AND INTERVENTION STRATEGIES FOR HLD REHABILITATION Rehabilitation interventions for the HLD are diverse and varied. In developing this phased protocol, the authors attempted to merge current clinical practices with available research in providing suggestion for future clinical practice. Although the focus of the protocol described in this commentary is a progressive exercise i..
HEALING OF A HERNIATED INTERVERTEBRAL DISC AND THE INFLUENCE OF EXERCISE The extent to which exercise can influence the homeostasis (including both repair and maintenance) of biological tissue has been evaluated through a number of research efforts over the years.38-42 Most of the studies on tissue response to exercise have been performed on animal models. Homeostasis of both bony and soft tissu..
DISCS AND INTERVERTEBRAL BODY ARTICULATIONS The interposing discs provide a measure of shock absorbing protection to the spinal column and appropriate stability for the spine during load bearing activities.3,5 Essentially, the discs are composed of three components, none of which are clearly delineated from the other. The components are the nucleus pulposus (NP), the annulus fibrosus, and the ve..
ABSTRACT Conservative non-surgical management of a herniated lumbar intervertebral disc (HLD) in athletes is a complex task due to the dramatic forces imparted on the spine during sport participation. The demands placed upon the athlete during rehabilitation and return to sport are unique not only from a sport specific perspective, but also regarding return to the sport strength and conditioning..
Anotherobstacleinmuscleregenerationisthemusculotendinous junction. This can be partly restored in absence of implanted cells by extracellular matrix-based platforms that have been shown to withstand half of the force of the contralateral site after complete resection in a mammalian model[80].Thenewlyformedmusclecellshaveshownbetter adherence to 3D polyurethane-based porous scaffolds with lowstif..